Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Quiet Easter

With Mom in Spain and Aaron and Danielle gone to Mexico (and not to mention the Spanish-speaking world under threat of tomfoolery), the rest of the Tilleys had a relatively quiet Easter.  Also, as Mom wasn't here to fulfill her traditional duty, Allison was left to "carve" the turkey.  Allison is an excellent cook... but not so much with the turkey carving.  Here's the most recent updates from the travellers.

Hi Guys
Trust you all had a Happy Easter. We got up early today, packed our knapsacks and got a taxi to the Bus Station. Bought a bus ticket and headed off to Piedafita - three hour ride (where the bus dropped us when we skipped aheaded to walk to Santiago in time for Easter). Mailed some postcards there, had some lunch and hit the trail. Walked 10kms today to Vega de Valcarce. We´ve just finished supper (8:00pm), going to head back to our room, get showered, get ready for tomorrow and then hit the old sack!!
We now have approximately 90kms to walk to get us back to Astorga - hoping to finish that sometime Friday. Guess what? There´s no rain, snow, hail or wind!! We had beautiful weather today - yay!

Then there was this message yesterday:

Hi everyone,
Well yesterday we warmed up with our first day back and did 12 kms. This morning we left Vega de Valcarce and walked to Cacabelos for a total of 26kms. This is Fiesta Night here with an orchestra set up in the square directly behind where we are staying. That will be followed by fireworks at 1:00 am! There are crowds of seniors (maybe I should say mature) dancing in the streets! I think we´ll sleep to background music tonight - that´s a fringe benefit of 26kms!!
As you know we are going reverse on the trail from Piedefieta (can´t spell) to Astorga and I have to tell you it´s a lesson in itself. It´s actually quite difficult when you have to try to see signs from behind you plus when the route takes a turn you don´t necessarily see it. In spite of all that we have found our way, not always because we know where we are going but maybe because we make the most sensible deduction and we end up in the right place by having gone there somewhat of a different route. The learning goes on - I must confess I find myself reflecting on what it all has to say about the journey of life (maybe too much time in silence!)
Things are going well and we hope to finish this section on Friday. We will hike up to Cruz de Ferro on this section (that´s where people place the rock & prayers they have brought with them)
That´s it for now
Sandra & Glenys

That's it for now. In less than two weeks they'll be back astounding us with stories.  Until then I remain most Sincerely Yours,


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